23 July 2008


1. performance at bios, athens, may 2008


“What one calls "future" is that which tomorrow, later, next century will be.
There is a future which is predictable, programmed, scheduled, foreseeable.
But there is a future, l´avenir (to come), which refers to someone who comes, whose arrival is totally unexpected. For me, that is the real future. That which is totally unpredictable.
The Other who comes without my being able to anticipate their arrival. So, if there is a real future beyond this other known future, it is l´avenir. It´s the coming of the Other, when I am completely unable to foresee their arrival.” (Jacques Derrida)

The notion of the “unforeseeable” contains a sense of paradox.
With the word “unforeseeable” the language carries into the space of thought the “impenetrable nucleus” of the unknown and offers it a name.
That magical word sets the boundaries of whatever knowledge is unable to conquer.
The unforeseeable is a linguistic construction.
It is that absurdity the performance appropriates.

The two performers conspire within a repeated, absurd game.
Their goal is to create strictly timed environments in which they are themselves both pawns and players. The unforeseeable is being directed as the personal testimony of third persons. It is the word of others that passes through them and renders them READY AT ALL TIMES.

On I KNOW IT IS HERE SOMEWHERE we are doubting the notion of the ‘unforeseeable’ and we pursue an opening to the unknown as the radically Other. We seek positions against the lack of coherence, of understanding and knowledge.

The starting point of the performance is a questionnaire which we addressed to seven greek writers:
1. A particular unexpected incident which has happened to you or is going to happen.
2. What do you think it has triggered/changed or might trigger or change for you or your life?
3. If you offered it some form, some shape or the features of a man or object which those would be?
4. If you were offered the chance to change it or cause something to it, what would you do?
5. Provide a title for that either real or invented experience.
6. Write whatever more you wish about it.
The seven writers who answered on a daily basis and for seven consecutive days are:
Vassilis Amanatidis
Giorgos Veltsos
Katerina Iliopoulou
Maria Laina
Konstantinos Matsoukas
Sakis Serefas
Christos Chrissopoulos

The original concept is developed, among others, also in the space of the blog under the title I KNOW IT IS HERE SOMEWHERE. The contributors are ShiftyTongue, Kostas Sachpazis, Katerina Iliopoulou, Michalis Ikonomou, Vassia Christou and Giorgos Papageorgiou.
In each performance a viewer will be offered the possibility to intervene on certain points so that he/she becomes an unforeseeable element of the performance.

Concept: ShiftyTongue
Director: Chryssa Tsampazi
Performers: Michael Ikonomou, George Papageorgiou
Space: Vassiliea Stylianidou
Music: Aris Siafas
Artistic Cooperation: Kostas Sachpazis, Aris Tsaoussis
Text Consultant: Katerina Iliopoulou
Movement Consultant: Litό Walkey
Lightings: Tassos Paleoroutas
Audio: Alkisti Stephanidou

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